Resume Resume
2023 “What We Choose to See” Gallery Blue 3143, Aoyama Tokyo, JP
2023 “Ad-Hominem” Gallery -1, Shinjuku Tokyo, JP
2021 “onree” Cinema HP France, Ebisu Tokyo, JP
2023 “Matiere de Vie” TAV Gallery, Nishi Azabu Tokyo, JP
2023 “STA Group Exhibition” Scramble Square Plus Art Gallery, Shibuya
Tokyo, JP
2022 “Homesick Rhapsody” Shibuya Hikarie 8/cube, Shibuya Tokyo, JP
2022 “Christening Through Fire” Fragile Utsuwa, Ginza Tokyo, JP
2021 “Appetite For Failure” Tata Bookshop, Koenji Tokyo, JP
2020 “Are We Robots” Why Not? Gallery, Yutenji Tokyo, JP
2020 “Things may or may not be useful but beautiful” Monkey Cafe D.K.Y,
Daikanyama Tokyo, JP
2020 “Crypt” Treasure River Gallery, Chiba Tokyo, JP
2019 “Imperfectionist” MCAA 6 Gallery, Mashiko Tochigi, JP
2019-2023 “Tokiichi Biannual Craft Fair” Mashiko Tochigi, JP
2018 “POP” Living Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2018 “Vis Entendre” Robert C. Turner Gallery, Alfred, NY
2018 “Near and Now” BIZ G87 Gallery, Larchmont, NY
2018 “Gift of Art” MAG Gallery, Larchmont NY
2023 Estudio Plata, Porto, PT: Artist and Assistant
2021-2023 Uzumako Ceramic Art School, Tokyo, JP: Studio Manager
2019-2021 Mashiko Tougei Club, Tochigi Prefecture, JP: Ceramic Instructor and
Kiln Technician
2016-2019 Fefo Studio, New York, NY: Studio Assistant
2018 New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, New York:
BFA Ceramics